[vox-tech] Poor SATA performance

Ryan cjg5ehir02 at sneakemail.com
Fri Apr 15 12:25:05 PDT 2005

On Friday 15 April 2005 08:20 am, Ken Bloom kabloom-at-ucdavis.edu |lugod| 
> Ryan Castellucci wrote:
> > I'm using 4 SATA hard drives on a SYBA SD-SATA-4P SATA card (Silicon
> > Image SIL3114A chipset) and I'm only getting 17MB/sec with hdparm -t on
> > the drives, and cpu utilization goes up to 100% while the test is going
> > on. I'm running this from knoppix 3.8, using 2.6.11.
> >
> > Anyone got any ideas? Does this SATA chipset just suck, or is something
> > set wrong?
> Is DMA enabled? Without DMA, every access has to go through the
> processor, which would explain the 100% CPU utilization.

dmesg shows the hard drives being configured for UDMA/100

Ryan Castellucci - http://ryanc.org/
GPG Key: http://ryanc.org/files/publickey.asc

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