[vox-tech] Installing a desktop upon my laptop

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Tue Sep 28 10:46:53 PDT 2004

Quoting Bill Kendrick (nbs at sonic.net):

> Many modern apps these days support 'arts' as a sound target.

Oh yes.  And I certainly wouldn't mind running artsd or esd for generic
sound support, as long as I have the means to run sundry sound
applications a la carte (including when X11 isn't running at all).

It would be worth seeing if the thing can be launched from its own
SysVInit script, irrespective of any kdestart "desktop" thingies.

> KDE has a panel applet to turn arts on and off, I believe, too, in case
> you have apps that can't run on esd or via artsdsp, or you simply have
> latency issues with doing such trickery.

In line with my earlier point, please note that you can run kdepanel
under any window manager whatsoever.

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