[vox-tech] gnuplot help: removing unwanted tickmarks

Henry House hajhouse at houseag.com
Wed Sep 22 08:53:35 PDT 2004

På onsdag, 22 september 2004, skrev Richard Harke:
> On Tuesday 21 September 2004 16:04, Henry House wrote:
> > I have a graph, made in gnuplot. It has dollars on the left Y axis and
> > acres on the right Y axis. Both Y independent Y axes are plotted against a
> > common X axis. Unfortunalely, the tickmarks from the left axis appear on
> > both sides of the plot, so the right side has two sets of tickmarks, one
> > bogus. I don't know how to remove the unwanted tickmarks from the right
> > side. Can anyone help?
> >
> > The gnuplot script and data file are attached.
> I used to use gnuplot quite a bit but I never tried this
> arrangement before so this is just a guess. I notice that
> you have a set y2tics with no parameters and then set y2tics
> with  parameters. Is this a typo? If did have a set ytics maybe it
> would override some default behavior.

The 'set y2tics' with no parameters was my attempt to clear the tickmarks
from the right side (y2 axis) --- the docs state that setting a control
variable without parameters sets its value to null and give the example of
how to delete the title from the chart using 'set title' with no parameters.

Since it does not actually work for clearing the unwanted ticmarks, I
killed that line and the plot is identical. I also tried moving the
statements about axis y2 before those about axis y, but also got no change.

Do you have any other ideas?

Here is the complete gnuplot program for easy quoting:

set title 'Grapes, wine'
set terminal postscript
set ylabel "millions of dollars"
set y2label "acres"
set yrange [10.000:50.000]
set ytics 10, 2, 50
set y2range [6000:14000]
set y2tics 6000, 500, 12000
plot "grapes.dat" using ($1):($3 / 1000000) axes x1y1 title 'gross value'
with lp lw 3 pt 4, \
"grapes.dat" using ($1):($2) axes x1y2 title 'acres' with lp lw 3 pt 3

Henry House
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