[vox-tech] .pdf editor

Jonathan Stickel vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Thu, 18 Mar 2004 13:20:13 -0800

Bill Kendrick wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 18, 2004 at 12:30:17PM -0800, Lewis Perdue wrote:
>>OpenOffice can create and edit .pdfs -- at least I assume it can since I 
>>use StarOffice to do that.
> I know it can create (File->Export PDF) as of version 1.1.
> However, I don't believe it can /import/ them.
> (e.g., if I make a PDF in OOo, and then try to open it with File->Open,
> it asks me to pick a filter, and I don't see "Acrobat", "Adobe", "PDF" or
> "Portable Document Format" in the list of available choices :^/ )
> This is OOo 1.1 on Windows >X^P Professional.
Shame, shame! :-O

But I do get the same when I try to open a pdf in OOo 1.1 in Gentoo 
Linux.  In fact, I've yet to notice any difference between using OOo in 
Linux vs. Windows, something which makes OOo so wonderful!
