[vox-tech] Upgrading Perl in Debian

Matt Roper vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Tue, 2 Mar 2004 09:23:28 -0800

On Tue, Mar 02, 2004 at 01:10:35AM -0500, Mike Simons wrote:
> If you want to do this, edit the sources.list change all "stable" or
> "woody" words to "testing"... comment out security... you should get a

Why would you comment out security?  Testing has a security repository
and you should definitely keep it enabled; unstable is the branch that
doesn't have one since packages with security fixes go directly into
unstable without a delay.

Also, if you plan to keep your machine tracking 'sarge' after sarge
become stable, you might want to use "sarge" instead of "testing" in
your sources.list lines -- at the moment they both point to the same
thing, but when the big switch happens, this will keep you on sarge
instead of the new testing branch.



* Matt Roper <matt@mattrope.com>                *
* http://www.mattrope.com                       *
* PGP Key: http://www.mattrope.com/mattrope.asc *