[vox-tech] vim question: restoring search term after a mapping

Henry House hajhouse at houseag.com
Mon Jul 19 15:36:48 PDT 2004

Hash: SHA1

I have some mappings in my ~/.vimrc:

	nmap =0 :.s/^\(.\+\)$/\\chapter{\1}/<CR>:noh<CR>
	nmap =1 :.s/^\(.\+\)$/\\section{\1}/<CR>:noh<CR>
	nmap =2 :.s/^\(.\+\)$/\\subsection{\1}/<CR>:noh<CR>
	nmap =3 :.s/^\(.\+\)$/\\subsubsection{\1}/<CR>:noh<CR>

which work great, but with one annoying aspect: they replace the current
search term. It is a bother to have to re-enter my search term (i.e., what I
last entered into the / command) after every use of my handy mappings. Does
anyone know a way to grab the current contents of the search-term register,
save it somewhere, then restore it?  Note that I do not actually want to run
a search again, just get back the saved search term so that the n command
will work as expected the next time that I run it after using one of my
handy mappings.

- -- 
Henry House
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