[vox-tech] Installing Java

Nick Schmalenberger nschmalenberger at fastmail.fm
Thu Dec 30 12:57:03 PST 2004

If you haven't already gotten the Blackdown thing from where Rick Moen
said, you could try getting the RPM of JDK from Sun and converting it to
deb with alien, then installing it. It worked nicely for me and I now
have v1.5 , although you may prefer the Blackdown one anyway because it
is apparently more free and certainly easier to install and maintain
with apt. Also, when I used alien on the RPM of just JRE and then
installed the plugins, they didn't work, I had to get JDK.

So that is another option to consider, especially if you want v1.5 .
Alien is useful because a lot of places will only distribute their
proprietary distribution format and RPMs. Something else to consider.

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