[vox-tech] eth0 troubles

Peter Jay Salzman p at dirac.org
Thu Aug 12 13:12:06 PDT 2004

On Thu 12 Aug 04,  1:04 PM, Karalius, Joseph <Joseph.Karalius at seminis.com> said:
> > Is it possible that the DHCP server is only willing to give out IP
> > addresses to certain machines (based on MAC address for example), and
> > isn't willing to give out addresses to any machine that you might
> > decide to plug into the network?
> I doubt it. We have employees from around the world come visit our site and
> can get IP leases no problem.  I've set up Linux machines on our LAN without
> IT knowing about it and have gotten leases as well.
> Does 'No DHCPOFFERS received. No working leases in persistent database.'
> mean that there was indeed a successful connection to the DHCP server but no
> leases available to that machine or would that message show up in any case
> where there was simply no response?
Either one.  You can't make a determination about whether eth0 is
talking to the world based on that message.

   tcpdump -i eth0

will tell you if the card is configured correctly.   If you see output,
the hardware is functional and configured (you still would have to
configure the network).   You don't see output, the hardware is not
functioning, either because it's defective or it's not configured

To be honest, I think Rod nailed it.  One of your pins is bent.  Every
thing you've posted points to it.

The hardware looks healthy, as evidenced by ifconfig and lsmod.  Yet the
physical connection isn't being made, as evidenced by the eth0 light not
turning on and the persistant network problems.

Didn't you also mention that someone had intermittant eth problems on
this machine with Windows?

I'm betting bent pin.  Rod's hunches are almost always right-on.


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