[vox-tech] SSH question

ME dugan at passwall.com
Tue Aug 10 17:21:12 PDT 2004

Matthew Lange said:
> For you gurus, this may seem like a trivial point...but for folks like
> me who are "able but unaware", some sort of linux 'product' dictionary
> would be helpful.  Does anyone know of any online resource?  Perhaps
> LUGOD should have it's own...

Yep. It is called google. Go there, and enter the keyword "define:" and
then place the term or word right after it. It does a pretty good job of
providing defs.

> It'd also be cool to have a utility that skimmed the emails as they came
> into the LUGOD list, and turned the names of these 'products' into
> hyperlinks to the dictionary?

I don't think I would find it helpful. It would take longer to process and
send e-mail messages. Besides, consider a message on "ssh" where it is
mentioned several times in an e-mail message, and several URL are created.

Also, consider this:
This list is primarily TEXT only, and HTML is frowned upon. Adding URL as
embedded data within a message would cause the message to get cluttered.

> What do you all think...would something like this be useful?

Useful to some, but not worth the cost to me.

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