[vox-tech] Lilo Bye Ta-ta

Peter Jay Salzman p at dirac.org
Sun Aug 8 07:28:17 PDT 2004

The last two times I installed Debian, I noticed that it defaults to
grub, without even giving the option to use lilo.

Just did a new net install, installed lilo, scribbled a lilo.conf, ran
lilo, and got an error message:

   /proc/partitions does not match /dev structure

I'm assuming that this means that Debian installed a devfs based system
but didn't mount a devfs /dev directory (which is pretty obvious looking
at ls /dev | wc).  Not mounting the directory seems a bit brain dead.
Installing devfs is a bit perplexing in the first place, since defs was
deprecated in favor of sysfs (although maybe sysfs isn't available in
the default 2.4.26 kernel?)

Anyway, I take Debian's switch to grub as a sign.  I know nothing about
grub other than it looks considerably more complicated than lilo, and
I'd like to limit the number of new things to learn at this point in my

Are there any *real* benefits of using grub in lieu of lilo?

I don't consider not having to run /sbin/lilo to install a new kernel a
real benefit.


Make everything as simple as possible, but no simpler. -- Albert Einstein
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