[vox-tech] oracle -> MySQL conversion

Henry House vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Wed, 28 Apr 2004 18:43:16 -0700

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P=E5 onsdag, 28 april 2004, skrev dylan@iici.no-ip.org:
> hi!
> we have a huge (50+ GB) Oracle database that is used for pesticide
> reporting data in the state of california. all updates are delivered to us
> in the form of 'oracle database dumps' (not exactly sure what that
> mean...). all of the queries are usually quite simple, no use of
> triggers/subselects/[other questionably supported features]... and finally
> we are low on funds ,and cannot afford to pay for the new oracle
> license...

Interesting: I am familiar with the submission end of this procedure (I grow
fruit) but know little about what happens to the information after it is
turned in.

> we are looking at converting our operations to MySQL, or any other open
> source RDBMS...

Well you have choices:

- Mysql, as you already know. I am not a fan of mysql, though lots of folks
  like it. Its big difficiency has always been that it was not engineered as
  a general-purpose RDBMS; consequently, it is often very fast but sometimes
  performs quite poorly. I don't develop new project in it anymore.
- Postgresql is my RDBMS of choice, since it comes close to standard
  compliance, is fast, scalable, etc. Transaction support is robust, speed
  is good (rumored to be better than oracle though who knows because of
  non-disclusire agreements). Custom types can be added, which might be
  handy when porting data from oracle.

- Firebird and SAP are also available. I don't know much about these, but
  SAP at least targets similar markets to oracle.

Guess which one I like ;-)

> here are some questions:
> 1. are there any tools out there that can facilitate the conversion of
> oracle tables into mysql tables?
> 2. is there any way to convert queries written for oracle into a format
> that mysql will accept (besides the long hand way)

Sorry, this is to vague for me to answer specifically (and I am not an
oracle jockey). But in the absence of specifics, may I suggest
Perl/Sed/Awk/Ruby filters?

> 3. would mysql be suitible for a database this size?
> 4. would there be any way to convert these 'oracle db dumps' for input
> into the new mysql DB?

That is unlikely unless they are in a text format. Binary dumps from
databases are invariably RDBMS-specific (and often version-specific as

Postgresql has a very good set of mailing lists where many helpful people
can be found. Maybe Mysql has mailing lists too?

Hiring a consultant is also an option....it is very helpful to have someone
experienced to offer insight and handholding even if you choose to do most
of the work yourself.

> i know these are very open-ended questions, but we are just looking for
> some ideas right now...
> thanks in advance!
> Dylan

PS. You might consider configuring your e-mail client to add your name to
your From: header. Spamassassin and other popular spamfighting tools often
tag messages whose From: header contains only a bare e-mail address.

Henry House
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