[vox-tech] floppy madness

Ken Bloom vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Wed, 28 Apr 2004 08:23:39 -0700

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On Wed, Apr 28, 2004 at 07:05:52AM -0700, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
> Hi all,
> I made a bootable CD using the "DOS" that comes with Windows 95.  It's
> the kind of DOS that says "Starting Windows 95" at boot time.
> I tried to run the executable that should upgrade the BIOS, but got the
> message:
>    A:\> bios_6bx.exe
>    This program must be run under Win32.
> Can someone tell me precisely what Windows 95 is?  I was under the
> impression that the DOS that comes with Win95 *is* actually win32.  It's
> the win32 kernel without graphics support.  At least that was my
> understanding.  Can someone explain what the relation is between Windows
> 95 and the "DOS" that comes with it?
I know that Windows 95 is an evolution of the DOS product line, but I
don't know the exact details of how it works. My totally uneducated
guess would be that DOS starts, then at some point it starts Windows.

At any rate, the Win32 apis are implemented in kernel32.dll and
user32.dll (I think those were the names), but your floppy disk has
only three (four?) files on it:
bios_6bx.exe (?)
(The first two are the MS-DOS kernel, the third is the shell)

This is MS-DOS of olde, without the Win32 APIs.

> It looks like I'll have to use Ryan's idea of finding a Windows hard
> drive to swap into this computer.

My name isn't Ryan. ;)

--Ken Bloom

> Bleah.  This computer has dual
> processors.  I hope that's not a problem....
> Pete

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