[vox-tech] Debian help: font problems

Ken Herron vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Sat, 24 Apr 2004 13:39:52 -0700

--On Saturday, April 24, 2004 12:37:18 PM -0700 Peter Jay Salzman 
<p@dirac.org> wrote:
> And bingo.  I had gs-afpl 8.14-2 installed and Mark had gs 7.07-1.
> Didn't know what the difference was, but I made my packages conform
> exactly to his, including removing some of my gs font packages.

Cool. Glad you got it working.

Ghostscript 7.07 is the latest GPL'ed version, while gs 8.14 is the 
latest version released under the AFPL (Aladdin free public license). 
AFPL has some restrictions affecting commercial use. The people who 
maintain ghostscript follow this dual-license strategy so that they can 
make a little money from their commercial users.
Ken Herron