[vox-tech] monitor troubles

Rick Moen vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Thu, 22 Apr 2004 11:03:05 -0700

Quoting Jennifer Stickel (jrstickel@ucdavis.edu):

> Thanks for all your help.  I decided that I am just going to find a 
> cheap video card and forget this integrated one.  It is not worth the 
> hassle that it is taking.

That's the way I'd see it, too.  

It's surprising how many new users think that, just because a system
came with some particular cheap hardware component, that component
merits open-ended amounts of effort getting Linux support going
(winmodems, winprinters, USB ADSL devices, etc.), when buying a 
replacement makes the whole problem go away.

Effectively, they're saying that vast amounts of their time and trouble
are a more rational price than that cash outlay.  

I really _do_ think that used Matrox G200, G400, and G450 cards make
superb (and cheap!) choices for Linux desktops -- if you can find 'em.
If not, any of the standard 2D-video ATI cards, or, heck, the Matrox G2+
(came after the G200/400/450 series), would be fine.

Avoiding the 3D/gamer morass, if you don't actually need/want that, will 
save a few nickels _and_ make your software job easier.  (The
first-person-shooter addicts will all tout their favourite Nvidia cards,
which will generally push you towards Nvidia's proprietary X11 software,
thereafter.  If you _do_ need that, good luck.)