[vox-tech] serendipity with vim

Ken Bloom vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Fri, 2 Apr 2004 11:03:09 -0800

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On Fri, Apr 02, 2004 at 10:33:11AM -0800, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
> these are the macros i use most.
> this is VERY useful when you're editing email.  a truly wonderful macro
> that reformats paragraphs to linewidth.  i use it all the time.  just
> press the "home" key to reformat a paragraph.
>    " Formats a paragraph (using home key).  Sets width textwidth.
>    map <kHome> gq}
>    map <Home>  gq}

I just use the gq} directly, because there are many times when using a
different motion command helps me to wrap correctly and } just doesn't
cut it.

I use the following command in .vimrc to keep vim from auto-rewraping the q=
- in mail mode, vim will automatically recognize them as comments - so
I tell the vim to automatically wrap text as I type, but not comments

syntax on
filetype on
au FileType mail set tw=3D70 fo=3Dtroq2 nomodeline

> i use the "q" recording facility all the time, but i also hit "q" often
> enough to push it out of the way so i don't hit it by accident:
>    " Make Q start recording instead of q.  I always hit q in cmd mode.
>    noremap q <Nop>
>    noremap Q q

Thanks for that one. hitting q and geting record mode was annoying. I
don't even know what record mode does.

I have "set number" in my .vimrc because seeing the numbers makes it
easier to run ex commands on specific lines and do tasks like snipping
pieces from quoted messages. The downside is that if I want to
mouse-copy something from vi running in an xterm I have to ":set
nonumber", but frequently I have to do something analgous (:set paste) when
I want to paste without having indents accumulate so I don't see this
as a hardship.

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