[vox-tech] possible to exit ssh with a program running?

Bryan Richter vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Thu, 23 Oct 2003 09:12:12 -0700

On Thu, Oct 23, 2003 at 08:17:47AM -0700, Jonathan Stickel wrote:
> Is there any way to start a program for a shell window and leave it 
> running when I close the window?  Also, is there anyway to leave a 
> program running remotely, started through an ssh session, and exit ssh?

I know the `nohup' command works for the former, and I figured it worked
for the latter, too. I tried it out, though, and although it "works", my
ssh client would hang on disconnect. That is, I would ssh to a host
(I tried locahost and pc33.cs.ucdavis.edu), type `nohup top -b >
top_ssh.out &', then logout. In both cases, my client didn't seem to
like the idea that I left a program running on the host computer, and
refused to give me back my bash prompt. I was running ssh in Eterms, so
eventually I just closed the window. The nohup'd program did continue to
run, however, which was easy enough to check with `ps' on my localhost
and by reconnecting to pc33.cs.ucdavis.edu. 

1. Try nohup!
2. Could someone tell me why nohup doesn't "work"? :)

-Bryan R