[vox-tech] Mysterious sound problems

Jonathan Stickel vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Tue, 21 Oct 2003 21:10:42 -0700


Were you able to play mp3s before, and now it will not?  Have you 
checked your XMMS preferences and tried different sound drivers with the 
mp3 plugin?

Trouble playing mp3s, specifically with XMMS in RedHat, has threaded 
through vox-tech previously.  The important points are:

1) RedHat has purposely "broken" all the media players to prevent mp3 

2) To use XMMS to play mp3s with RH, you need to install the xmms-mp3 
rpm plugin (found at freshrpms), or compile and install from source.

3)  Sometimes the mp3 plugin defaults to the incorrect sound driver 
("output plugin").  Select one that works.  If "disk writer" was used 
for output, you just converted all your mp3s to wav files!

Hope this helps.  I don't know about other audio players.


Richard S. Crawford wrote:
> For some reason, I cannot get my MP3's to play.  When I launch XMMS and
> browse to where the music files are located and select one, XMMS just
> sits there like a lump and doesn't do a thing.  Similarly with my other
> music players, such as Noatun and RealPlayer.
> Oddly, my CD's play just fine and I can hear streaming audio from the
> web just fine.
> Any thoughts?  I'm using Red Hat 8.  The music files are stored on a
> separate RH 8 computer, mounted with Samba.