[vox-tech] Un[L]imiting Mutt display?

Ted Deppner vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Tue, 21 Oct 2003 17:24:29 -0700

On Tue, Oct 21, 2003 at 01:50:44PM -0700, Bill Kendrick wrote:
> Don't have time to research. Figured someone here knows, as Mutt's popular.
> When I limit a mailbox listing (i.e, hit [L] and type a keyword to have
> it only show me matching messages), other than going back into the box
> (with [C]hange command), is there a way to turn off the limit?
> I've tried just hitting [Enter] (leaving the limit value blank), but it
> just keeps the current limit the same.

Whoa, you guys must all be mutt newbies.  Interesting ideas for how to
get around the problem, though... I give points for that.

Set your limit to "all" to unlimit.  Kind of intuitive isn't it...  :)

Glad to see the mutt ranks growing.  

Ted Deppner