[vox-tech] Un[L]imiting Mutt display?

vox-tech@lists.lugod.org vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Tue, 21 Oct 2003 13:58:11 -0700


stick this in your .muttrc (change it if you already mapped the left
arrow key to something):

   macro index <left> "<change-folder>!\n" "Change to mail spool"

then press the left arrow key to go back to the unlimited display.  it
essentially re-reads re-displays your mailspool.

the reason why i chose the "left" key is because its functionality is
similar to going "back" with the lynx web browser, which is the left
arrow key there.

let me know if this does it for you.  there are some minor quirks about
it, but overall, i like what this macro does.


On Tue 21 Oct 03,  1:50 PM, Bill Kendrick <nbs@sonic.net> said:
> Don't have time to research. Figured someone here knows, as Mutt's popular.
> When I limit a mailbox listing (i.e, hit [L] and type a keyword to have
> it only show me matching messages), other than going back into the box
> (with [C]hange command), is there a way to turn off the limit?
> I've tried just hitting [Enter] (leaving the limit value blank), but it
> just keeps the current limit the same.
> Thx!
> -bill!

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