[vox-tech] debian bug - don't know who to contact

vox-tech@lists.lugod.org vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Wed, 15 Oct 2003 06:20:51 -0700

i found a debian bug, but i don't know how to report it.

when using modprobe -(a|r) bttv, i always get error messages.  the
reason for this is these entries in /etc/modutils/actions:

   # The BTTV module does not load the tuner module automatically,
   # so do that in here
   post-install bttv insmod tuner
   post-remove bttv rmmod tuner

but, at least for 2.4.22, bttv.o DOES stack tuner.o.

the failure message is no big deal.  all it's saying is "i couldn't load
tuner.o because it's already loaded".

for now, i commented out those lines.  but i'd like to make somebody
aware of this (possibly new behavior) of bttv.o.  but i have no idea
which package wrote these actions into /etc/modutils/actions.

any ideas on how to report this?


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