[vox-tech] Linux graphing software?

dylan vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Thu, 29 May 2003 22:29:24 -0700

Yeah -- ploticus is a lot of fun to play with... wish i had more reasons to
use it...

http://fungus.ucdavis.edu/weather/       <-only place i have found to use it
(sort of...)

here is the ploticus script that i used to make the weekly plot:


#proc page

#proc getdata
file: temps.data
fieldnames: datetime airtemp soiltemp solar

#proc areadef
rectangle: 1 1 6 3
xscaletype: datetime mm/dd/yy
xautorange: datafield=datetime
xaxis.label: Date
xaxis.stubs: inc 1 day
xaxis.stubformat: MMMdd
yaxis.label: Temp (C)
yaxis.stubs: inc
#yrange: 0 100
yautorange: datafields=airtemp

//plot the air temp
#proc lineplot
linedetails: color=blue width=.5
xfield: datetime
yfield: airtemp
legendlabel: air temp

//plot the soil temp
#proc lineplot
linedetails: color=green width=.5
xfield: datetime
yfield: soiltemp
legendlabel: soil temp

#proc areadef
rectangle: 1 1 6 3
xscaletype: datetime mm/dd/yy
xautorange: datafield=datetime
xaxis.label: Date
xaxis.stubs: inc 1 day
xaxis.stubformat: MMMdd
yaxis.label: Solar Radiation (Watts/sq.meter)
yaxis.labeldistance: -0.6
yaxis.stubs: inc
yautorange: datafields=solar
yaxis.location: 6,0
yaxis.stubdetails: adjust=0.5,0 align=R
//yaxis.stubdetails: adjust=0.3,0 align=L

//plot the solar radiation
#proc lineplot
linedetails: color=red width=.5
xfield: datetime
yfield: solar
legendlabel: solar rad

#proc legend
format singleline
location: min+1 max
sep: 1


here is some of the data:

05/22/03.01:00 21.7 18.0 0
05/22/03.02:00 21.1 17.7 0
05/22/03.03:00 20.7 17.4 0
05/22/03.04:00 20.4 17.1 0
05/22/03.05:00 20.5 16.8 3
05/22/03.06:00 18.8 16.5 35
05/22/03.07:00 22.0 16.3 269
05/22/03.08:00 24.3 16.1 455
05/22/03.09:00 25.3 16.1 626
05/22/03.10:00 26.9 16.2 768

good luck!


on 03.5.29 6:39 PM, Peter Jay Salzman at p@dirac.org was reported to have

> dylan, that's pretty cool (or rather, looking at the air temp, pretty
> hot.  arf arf).
> this looks like a command based tool, like gnuplot, but with more
> impressive output.
> how large is the command set (not data) to produce a graph like this?
> if it's only a few lines, can you post it to show what using ploticus
> looks like?
> pete
> On Thu 29 May 03,  6:36 PM, Dylan Beaudette <dylan@iici.no-ip.org> said:
>> i like ploticus:
>> http://ploticus.sourceforge.net/
>> i use it to automatically create all sorts of graphs:
>> http://fungus.ucdavis.edu/weather/images/weekly_temps.png
>> --dylan
>>> On Thu 29 May 03,  4:12 PM, Nicole the Wonder Nerd <ana.ng@tmbg.org> said:
>>>> Up spake Jonathan Stickel on Thu, May 29, 2003 at 04:02:29PM -0700:
>>>>> Anyway, my contribution to this thread is to recommend xfig for
>>>>> "post-processing" of plots as well as drawing original diagrams.  I
>>>> have
>>>> I would also like to plug 'dia'.  It's a great tool for drawing those
>>>> simple circles-boxes-and-arrows diagrams that we computer scientists
>>>> thrive on.
>>> and it's a *really* fun program for the rest of us to play around with!
>>> ;)
>>> if dia could only read visio formats, it would be nearly as much of a
>>> "killer app" as apache, imho.
>>> i imagine it would be useful for EE's too...
>>> pete
>>> --
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