[vox-tech] hdparm for scsi emulated CDROM drives?

Mark K. Kim vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Wed, 14 May 2003 12:49:08 -0700 (PDT)

I see.  It appears I can still use hdparm on /dev/hdc and /dev/hdd even
though the device names supposed to be /dev/scd? now.  Thanks, Rob!  But
how do I know it worked?  (besides just reading hdparm's output, which
could be a goofy feedback from the kernel)



On Wed, 14 May 2003, Rob Rogers wrote:

> On Wed, May 14, 2003 at 00:28:21AM -0700, Mark K. Kim wrote:
> > So anyway, I gotta be able to burn CDs now, right?  So I decided to put my
> > CD and DVD drives in SCSI emulation mode so I can burn and read CDs.
> > After getting that working, I ran hdparm on /dev/scd0 and /dev/scd1 to
> > enable DMA, but it's refusing to even query these SCSI-emulated IDE
> > devices, let alone let me enable DMAs on them.
> >
> > So does ide-scsi automatically enable DMA?  Is there a way to enable DMA
> > at all?  Do I just live with DMA disabled?
> No, ide-scsi doesn't automatically enable it. Your problem is that
> hdparm will refuse to work with SCSI devices, but it bases its decision
> on the device name. I believe your /dev/scd? devices should also be
> accessible through /dev/hd? too. I've never actually tested (don't know
> how I'd do that) but hdparm never complained about enabling DMA on my
> /dev/hdc and hdd.
> [snip]
> > PS: If I weren't a programmer I'd have given up using Debian on day 1.
> > I'm sooo glad I can program... and have been reading almost all posts
> > regarding Debian on vox :)  On the downside, Debian's got a long way to go
> > before it's friendly for a regular Joe.  But much better in terms of
> > quality of what I ended up with in the end compared with RedHat or
> > Mandrake, though.
> I know what you mean here. I've been using Linux for years now, and
> both times I tried installing Debian I had to give up. Not sure exactly
> what it was, but it definitely wasn't as newbie friendly as the other
> distros...I'm definitely not saying that's a bad thing though, and I
> actually think most debian fans might actually like it better this way.
> I also have to admit, it's been a while since I tried it last. I do plan
> on giving it another shot in the next week or so though. I've got a new
> box I plan on building this weekend that I'd like to try Debian on. ;)
> Rob
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Mark K. Kim
PGP key available upon request.