[vox-tech] missing vim

Jonathan McPherson vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Mon, 12 May 2003 17:07:42 -0700


I've read countless stories on the Internet about people switching from
vi (or vim) to emacs, but curiously few in the other direction. I use
vim quite extensively but am considering switching to emacs for some
heavier text editing tasks (LaTeX, Python, C/C++, etc).

However, emacs feels very awkward to me because I'm used to being able
to get around very quickly in vim. 

Can anyone tell me how to do the following things with emacs?

(1) Insert a string at the end of each line. For instance:
    x = 1         x = 1;
    y = 42     -> y = 42;
    z = "bob"     z = "bob";

    In vim, I can do the above with <C-V>jj$A;

(2) Insert a string at the beginning of each line. 

(3) Move the cursor by screen lines instead of virtual lines. I
    primarily want this because LaTeX paragraphs can get quite long, and
    if I want to access text in the middle of the paragraph, it is
    easier to spot the text and move to it than to guess with
    word/sentence movement commands. In vim: g<movement command>

(4) Allow the cursor to stray all the way to the end of each line on the
    screen regardless of how much text is actually on the line. (This is
    much more useful than it sounds.) In vim: set ve=all

(5) Display line numbers next to each line. In vim: set nu

(6) Send the cursor to the top, middle, or bottom of the screen. In vim:
    H, M, L

(7) Folding -- automatically collapse sections of the code based on some
    criteria. In vim: set fdm=indent

(8) Out of curiousity, do most people experienced with emacs use
    ^N/^P/^B/^F or just the arrow keys?

Jonathan McPherson 
Graduate Student @ UC Davis, Information Visualization 
email:       jamcp (at) imap (period) cc   
homepage:    http://wwwcsif.cs.ucdavis.edu/~mcpherso/
gpg key:     http://www.tricity.wsu.edu/~jmcphers/jam_pubkey.asc
fingerprint: B084 878B BFE6 CC09 AD6E  5B1F 64DF 4980 49E2 0142