[vox-tech] Public Access Terminal

Darrick Servis vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Thu, 27 Mar 2003 14:57:34 -0800


Well, I got further along.  I think the best way to go is with mozilla.  I've 
been playing around with "Kiosk Project" at http://kiosk.mozdev.org

I've installed slackware and am using blackbox as a window manager.  I've got 
the box to bootup into X with mozilla/blackbox and no login.  Quitting 
mozilla restarts X with mozilla/blackbox.  I'd really love to add tabbed 
browsing, so I'm working on that.  

I've been fishing around the mozilla source hunting for the default chrome 
files.  As I think it would be easiest to just hack those rather then the 
kiosk ones.  The kiosk project interface is rather limited and downright 
ugly.  Mainly, I want to get rid of the preferences, print, about, message, 
composer, download, etc options.  So I think it's easiest to work backwards 
rather then forwards.

On quit I thought it best to strip the history, cookies and cache and put a 
sign on the terminal to let people know they can do that when they're done to 
protect their privacy.

Any thoughts?

-- Darrick