[vox-tech] Squirrel Mail Authentication Problems

Ken Herron vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Sun, 23 Mar 2003 12:16:39 -0800

--On Sunday, March 23, 2003 01:14:23 AM -0800 Ryan <rcdetert@ucdavis.edu> 

> I think I have imap set up incorrectly. In the manual it says that if
> authdaemon isn't running, imap won't work correctly. I have never used
> imap before and I can't seem to locate the log file for courier.
> In /var/log/messages I see this line:
> Mar 22 06:54:33 the45 authdaemon: authdaemon: s_connect() failed: No
> such file or directory

This message is from the authdaemon client module, a plugin used by the 
imap daemon to perform authdaemon authentication. It talks to authdaemond 
through a unix-domain socket. This error probably means authdaemond isn't 
running. Another possibility is that authdaemond and the authdaemon 
client module are using different pathnames for the socket, but this 
would imply the software was built incorrectly because the socket 
pathname is hardcoded.

Authdaemon should have a directory somewhere named "authdaemon", 
containing three entries: lock, pid, and socket. pid contains the 
authdaemon process id, while socket is the unix-domain socket. It's 
probably under /var some place, possibly /var/run/authdaemon.

> So it looks like the authdaemon isn't working correctly.

Yeah, that seems most likely. Imapd is apparently set to auth through 
authdaemon, but in that case the imapd startup script should have started 
authdaemond for you. It could be that authdaemond saw something it didn't 
like in its config file and exited.

> What imapd do you use? I am using courier only because that is what SM
> recommends.
> I forgot to mention this, but I had run that configure script. I set the
> imap server to courier but I dont see any option to set the auth_type to
> userdb.

There are two ways to do this: Have imapd use authuserdb as its auth 
module, or have imapd use authdaemon as its authmodule and have 
authdaemon use authuserdb. I think the courier author recommends the 
latter but I'm not sure why.

Anyway, the item to configure is AUTHMODULES in the authdaemond config 
file ("authdaemonrc" somewhere in the courier config files) and the imapd 
config file ("imapd" in the same directory as "authdaemonrc").

Ken Herron