[vox-tech] Burning CD's in Linux

Peter Jay Salzman vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Tue, 4 Mar 2003 17:35:31 -0800

begin Michael J Wenk <mwenk@comcast.net> 
> What sort of burner do you have?  Is it SCSI, or is it IDE, or USB?
> Personally, I have a IDE, and the procedure I follow is(as root)
> modprobe ide-scsi
> modprobe sg
> modprobe sr_mod
> cdrecord -scanbus
> And then it shows my drive.  To burn data, you have to first create an iso
> with mkisofs, but the general command I use is:
> cdrecord dev=0,0,0 speed=8 -data -dao /tmp/myiso.iso
> For music, its a bit more complex, and I personally find it MUCH easier to
> burn from within windows(my windows burner is also quite a bit faster than
> my linux one, though I don't make as many coasters with linux.)
more complex than this?

% cdrecord -audio dev=0,0,0 speed=8 *.wav


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then you win. -- Gandhi, being prophetic about Linux.

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