[vox-tech] Perl question: determining the computer's IP addre ss

Jeff Newmiller vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Thu, 26 Jun 2003 11:54:50 -0700 (PDT)

On Thu, 26 Jun 2003, Richard Crawford wrote:

> Adrian Kalaveshi said:
> > Can't you just use a relative path?  i.e:
> >
> > <form method="post" action="../cgi-bin/group.cgi">
> Not in this case, no.  The script refuses to execute unless it's called by
> an absolute path.  This is a problem, I know, but I have yet to figure out
> how to fix Apache to solve it.

I would be wary of  permitting ".." in a url for security reasons.

Jeff Newmiller                        The     .....       .....  Go Live...
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