[vox-tech] Getting quotes from yahoo

Mike Simons vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Fri, 20 Jun 2003 13:30:03 -0400

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On Thu, Jun 19, 2003 at 02:31:33PM -0500, Jay Strauss wrote:
> Using perl, I wanted to get some data from yahoo finance (specifically bid
> size & ask size).  There are a couple of modules on CPAN (Finance::Quote,
> Finance::YahooQuote) but they don't return the fields I want.  But
> inspecting the code revealed:
> http://quote.yahoo.com/d?f=3Dsnl1d1t1c1p2va2bapomwerr1dyj1x&s=3DRHAT

  This page contains the information you want, but you would have to parse
them out.


> Now the f=3D means format equals (duh), but I can't find any doc indicati=
> all the possible values I can put in the format string.
> Anyone know where I can find such info, on the format string? =20
> Or better yet what are the symbols for "bid size", "ask size"?

  You are asking for details of a yahoo internal cgi.  Yahoo tech
support could certainly tell you what the various format options are but=20
the very good that they will tell you to go away.

  If you browse around their web page there is an option to "customize"
a quote, but to do that you need an account... once you have the quote
customized as you like you can click on "download spreadsheet" or
something like that and they will send you a csv format much like
the link you had above.

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