[vox-tech] Perl cgi scripts not executing

Richard Crawford vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Fri, 13 Jun 2003 12:00:52 -0700 (PDT)

I have two servers -- let's call them Trinity and Neo.  They both have
Apache 2.0.44 and Perl 5.8.0 running.  Both of them have mod_perl
installed.  But Neo executes Perl cgi scripts just fine, while Trinity
only shows the source code for the Perl scripts.

I have gone nuts trying to find a difference between the two servers; I
even copied the httpd.conf file down from Neo to Trinity, making only
those changes necessary to reflect that it's on a different server --
changing the ServerName field, and so on.

I've gone through to make sure the permissions are set properly on
Trinity, to make sure Perl actually works, and I've successfully run the
cgi script from the command line.

The only thing I can think of is that when I started Apache on Trinity, I
got a few errors, because some of the modules that are loaded via the
LoadModule directive on Neo are built in to Apache on Trinity so they
don't need to be loaded.  Once I commented out the offending LoadModule
lines in httpd.conf on Trinity, the errors stopped, but the cgi scripts
still weren't executing.  Trinity is the server I killed a few weeks ago
by running "rm -rf /*" as root and which I've rebuilt from scratch to
mirror Neo as much as possible.  Neo's been around for a few months
longer, and the fellow who built that server is no longer around.

Is there anything else I could be looking at?  There are no error logs
that show anything is happening.