[vox-tech] good reference source for fstab permissions variables/syntax

David Hummel vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Wed, 2 Jul 2003 18:08:39 -0700

On Wed, Jul 02, 2003 at 01:23:58PM -0700, Donald Childs wrote:
> I'm trying to set up a vfat partition on rh8 so my users (me) have
> write as well as read permissions on my vfat partition.
> Here's what I've currently applied:
> /dev/hdf4   /fat           vfat    user,rw,noauto      0   0

Actually, this should work the way it is (it does on all of my systems).
Since there's no concept of file permissions on a fat/vfat filesystem,
the uid/gid are set from that of the current process by default, so
specifying them is unnecessary ... but whatever works.

It doesn't seem like the option order should make a difference, but I've
always specified it like so:

  /dev/hdf4   /fat           vfat    noauto,user,rw      0   0

David Hummel
Genomics & Gene Discovery