[vox-tech] openoffice: annoying message and load time

Peter Jay Salzman vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Tue, 1 Jul 2003 09:15:09 -0700

using open office for stressful job hunting, and there are a few
annoyances that i'd like to ask about.

question 1
1. load an .sxw document
2. save as .doc document
3. file | quit

open office now asks me if i really want to save because there might be
information loss in the new format.

i don't mind being warned that i'm quiting the program with unsaved
changes, but this warning is just useless for me.  is there a way of
turning it off?

question 2
i'm unhappy with the load time of open office.  is there any way to
decrease load time by keeping the code segment resident in memory, even
if i quit open office?  would setting the sticky bit on soffice.bin do


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