[vox-tech] Question regarding network bandwidth...

Nick Donnelly vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Mon, 27 Jan 2003 20:50:42 -0800

Lately, I have been searching for a good answer to the same question. 
My know-how on this subject could be fit into a teacup--so here it all

You might want to take a look at the wondershaper:
If your complaint is excessive latency on the link during that big
upload, then this might be your answer.I think that you have to compile
pretty much all the networking options into your kernel to use this.

You could try to set some sort of limit on packet count like people do
for syn flood protection eg:

iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp --syn -m limit --limit 1/s -j ACCEPT

That would be a pain to add a special rule before each big download,
though, and packet count may have little to do with byte count. Maybe
you can count bytes with a similar style of iptables rule...?  

You might want to take a look at 
This a site devoted to bandwidth shaping.

You might like 
home of the Linux Advanced Routing & Traffic Control web site.

And you might want to take a look at 

Good luck

On Mon, 2003-01-20 at 11:53, R. Douglas Barbieri wrote:
> I have a question that I need to ask in terms of an analogy, since true
> network tweaking is still something of a mystery to me (okay, okay, it
> betrays my ignorance in these matters...:-) ).
> When dealing with processor usage, you can "renice" a process and make it
> have a lower priority so it doesn't hog the CPU, and your system will
> "chunk" less. So is there a way to do something like this with a network
> connection?
> Since I have ADSL, it sucks whenever I want to upload a big file and my
> Internet connection is knocked to its knees. It would be great to be able
> to say "this outgoing tcp connection to foo.com gets only 1% of the
> bandwidth" or something like that. Am I making any sense?