[vox-tech] xmms failure

Peter Jay Salzman vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Tue, 11 Feb 2003 10:39:26 -0800

hi jonathan,

that cpio error may hint at either a munged rpm or filesystem
corruption.  it's odd that lstat failed.  i hope it was lstating
something within the cpio archive, and not something that's on the hard
drive.  some ideas to try in no particular order.  and yes, some of it
is grasping at straws:

is xmms a symbolic link?

try redownloading the rpm from a different site or using a different

try remounting / as read-only and run fsck.

also, look for DriveSeek type errors in your system logs.


begin Rusty Minden <clownsinc@attbi.com> 
> XMMS depends on other packages. For instance with Debian I have 
> to install unzip or I can't use skins. You may have updated a 
> package that was required and now XMMS does not see the required 
> package. This is only a guess though.
> Rusty
> On Tuesday 11 February 2003 10:13 am, Jonathan Stickel wrote:
> > I have been using xmms for quite some time, but just this
> > morning it stopped working!  All of its plugins seem to have
> > dissapeared.  The only change since I last used xmms
> > succesfully was a RH up2date of an unrelated program.
> >
> > I try to do an rpm uninstall of xmms, but it tells me it is
> > not installed.  Yet, the xmms binary is still in
> > usr/share/bin.  So I try to do an rpm install of xmms, hoping
> > it will overwrite any lost files, etc, and I get this error:
> >
> > # rpm -Uvh xmms-1.2.7-13.p.i386.rpm
> > Preparing...               
> > ########################################### [100%]
> >     1:xmms                  
> > ########################################### [100%]
> > error: unpacking of archive failed: cpio: lstat failed - Value
> > too large for defined data type
> >
> > Any help out there?  Thanks,
> >
> > Jonathan
> Politics gives guys so much power that they tend to behave badly 
> around women. And I hope I never get into that.
> --William J. Clinton - Bill Clinton

heh.  i'd prefer ironic over moronic any day of the week!  ;)


First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you,
then you win. -- Gandhi, being prophetic about Linux.

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