[vox-tech] archiving library in C

Tim Riley vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Sat, 01 Feb 2003 21:11:00 -0800

Peter Jay Salzman wrote:

> hi all,
> suppose i have a video file, a sound file, an image file, a gnumeric
> spreadsheet, a number, a boolean and an mp3.
> and suppose all those things are needed by a C program.  kind of like
> how a game uses a plethora of image and sound files.
> is there a library that will allow me to combine all that different
> stuff into a single file and then let me transparently access any
> individual element using an API in C?
> i suppose i can do it with a bunch of system() calls with tar, but that
> isn't a very nice solution.
> i've delved into the code for lxdoom, prboom and doom legacy.  wad files
> are very similar.  they have a directory structure and there's an
> interface for accessing any particular element of the wad file.  the
> boundary between "things" is enforced by the wad format itself, but it's
> up to the program itself (doom) to interpret the returned data correctly
> (whether it's sound info, image info, a linedef, etc....).
> anything similar as a canned C library?   tar/ar would be perfect if
> there was a C API to go along with them.

Writing a C API to tar sounds workable, if the number and boolean
can get a filename.

> pete
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