[vox-tech] X server crashed?

Ken Herron vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Wed, 13 Aug 2003 14:47:23 -0700

--On Wednesday, August 13, 2003 13:51:02 -0700 Katie 
<krwright1@yahoo.com> wrote:

> It doesn't appear to be CPU overheating.  Here's what happens:
> [katie@bob katie]$startx
>  info scrolls by really fast
>  screen blinks to black, then blinks back
>  info pops up with version  & release date blah, blah, default settings
> using vt 7
> waiting for x server to shut down
> [katie@bon katie]$

It sounds like your xinitrc is exiting. After startx starts the X server, 
it runs a script (usually .xinitrc in your home directory) which should 
launch the X application(s) of your choice. When this script exits, 
startx shuts down the X server.

The xinitrc script is usually structured to launch some programs as 
background processes, then run a final process in the foreground. The 
background processes don't matter, but when the foreground process exits, 
so does the xinitrc. This process is often a window manager.

So you need to inspect your xinitrc, see which program it's supposed to 
wait on, and figure out why this program isn't working any more.

Kenneth Herron  Kherron@newsguy.com     916-366-7338