[vox-tech] GL chunking problems
Peter Jay Salzman
Wed, 30 Apr 2003 12:10:51 -0700
damn, you never say everything you meant to get out. ok, a few notes:
begin Peter Jay Salzman <p@dirac.org>
> if DRI is enabled, run glgears both as root and as non-root. see if you
> get a speed increase as root. you should be able to get 500-600 fps
> both as root and non-root. if you don't, the howto tells how to fix
> this.
for an 800MHz celeron with a 3dfx V5, you should be getting more like
600-700, i believe.
> if DRI is enabled and glxgears isn't giving you about 500-600 fps for
> root and non-root, then it's a library problem. there are a few
> utilities you can use to help diagnose the problem, and they're
> mentioned in the HOWTO.
the output of glxgears (aside from the fps) will be helpful.
> begin R. Douglas Barbieri <doug@dooglio.net>
> >
> > Once I got tuxracer to run smoothly, I downloaded the latest Mesa
> > libraries (Mesa 5.01). Once installed, quake3 now ran smoothly. I was
> > then able to run Half Life and the aot port of Hexen II smoothly.
how are you running half life? win4lin, i thought, doesn't do *any*
direct X. i thought that only wine, winex and rewind can do half life.
also, how are you running hexen II? AFAIK, there aren't any ports of
hexen II to linux. i hope i'm wrong! :) :) :)
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