[vox-tech] Hosts vs Sendmail Errors

Jim Angstadt vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Thu, 24 Apr 2003 09:52:20 -0700 (PDT)

Hi All,

Since adding these 3 lines to /etc/hosts on my
home network:	pacific	quietone	win98

sendmail complains daily in /var/log/maillog.
For example:

Apr 24 04:02:01 pacific sendmail[25994]: My
unqualified host name (pacific) unknown; sleeping
for retry
Apr 24 04:03:01 pacific sendmail[25994]: unable
to qualify my own domain name (pacific) -- using
short name

logwatch also complains daily, with the same

My unqualified host name (pacific) unknown;
sleeping for retry
unable to qualify my own domain name (pacific) --
using short name
My unqualified host name (pacific) unknown;
sleeping for retry
unable to qualify my own domain name (pacific) --
using short name

I've looked at root crontab, and the cron.daily
dir, for anything which might prompt these checks
but no joy.

Additionally, during bootup on both pacific (rh
7.2) and quietone (rh 8.0), sendmail now has a
very lengthy delay as the service is being
started.  The delay is several minutes just for

Is this a harmful situation?
What is causing these errors?
How can I shorten the delay?
What should I do?


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