[vox-tech] Strange server behavior

Mike Simons vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Wed, 23 Apr 2003 17:36:23 -0400

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On Wed, Apr 23, 2003 at 02:02:36PM -0700, Richard Crawford wrote:
> I have a script in /etc/init.d which starts up a service when the computer
> boots up.  It is also possible to start up the service manually by
> entering the appropriate command on the command line.
> Now, when I start the service on the command line, it works just fine.=20


  Very vague... what service, how was it installed, configured, etc.
It sounds like you wrote or installed some script that isn't normally=20
there into init.d.

- post the script from init.d
- the command line you use to start the service
> However, when I start up the computer (or try to start the services
> manually by running the init.d script from the command line), the services
> do not work. They show up as running when I do a ps -aux command, but they
> simply do not work.
> How is this possible?

  Depending on what the services do, it's possible that they are started
too early in the boot process to start correctly.  For example if they
are started before any interfaces have been started they can't bind to=20
a specific local IP address, if they are started before /var is mounted
they are trying to log to or use files you can not see...

  Need more information.


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