[vox-tech] mp3 files sound like alvin and the chipmunks

Peter Jay Salzman vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Tue, 22 Apr 2003 10:48:24 -0700

begin Darrick Servis <darrick@kdvs.org> 
> What sound drivers are using?  OSS, ALSA, ARTS, ESD.  My guess is the sample 
> rate being output by the mp3 app is different from the sample rate of your 
> sound driver.  Some cheap soundcards only output at 48Khz.  Any bitrates 
> below 128kbps most likely decode to a rate below 44.1Khz, then they are 
> playing a higher rate thus the chipmunk sound.  Most apps and sound drivers 
> check all this as it is one of the basics of audio programming.
> I'd guess your sound driver is broken. 
i was going to suggest the same thing.  if you're using OSS, recompile
your sound driver by hand if you're loading a module.

if you're not loading a module, i'd take this as an opportunity to grab
a new kernel and compile it yourself.

i had the same problem a long time ago, when i used to use redhat.  the
problem "fixed itself" after i compiled a newer kernel.

> On Tuesday 22 April 2003 08:49 am, Jonathan McPherson wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > Since you folks were so helpful with setting up exim (which is now
> > working happily) ... thought I'd throw this one out.
> >
> > I have a fairly large number of MP3 files (all legal (-:). Many of
> > my friends are interested in music and have sent me recordings of
> > themselves in MP3 format. These recordings seem to inevitably sound like
> > Alvin and the Chipmunks when they play back.
> >
> > I've since discovered that every Linux MP3 player I can find seems to be
> > completely incapable of playing files encoded at under 128kbps. I have a
> > few gigabytes of MP3s from CDs I own and music I have written at 128 and
> > 160kbps, and it _all_ plays with no problems, despite being encoded with
> > a wide variety of encoders over the span of several years.
> >
> > I've tried several different players -- XMMS, mpg321-based players, etc.
> > I've done quite a few Google searches, but I've had little luck. One guy
> > on mpc.lists.freebsd.current had the same problem, but that was in '99
> > and no one seems to have given him any suggestions since then.
> >
> > I'm a fairly recent convert to Debian, actually -- before Debian, I used
> > Gentoo. (I'll tell you folks why I switched if you're curious. (-:) It
> > had the same problem.
> >
> > Anyone seen this before or have ideas about where the problem might lie?
> >
> > Jonathan.
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