[vox-tech] a better scanf?? (C-programming question)

Tim Riley vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Fri, 18 Apr 2003 20:14:43 -0700

Andy Campbell wrote:

> >
> > I'm trying to read your intent from the code above,
> > and it seems to be "run a process until
> > it finishes or let me press 'x' if I run out of patience." If
> > that's the case,
> > then it'll be much easier to interrupt the process with <ctl>c instead.
> really the intent of this program is "let me see if I can get the string
> 'Waiting...' to print over and over again until I input any letter (other
> than x) at which point waiting will then print over and over again....

Maybe fork() and signal() are what you need. It's not as fast as using
threads because it forks a whole new process instead of running inside
a shared process control block, but it's easy to work with.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <termio.h>
#include <signal.h>

struct termios new_settings;
struct termios stored_settings;

void set_keypress(void) {
        new_settings = stored_settings;
        new_settings.c_lflag &= (~ICANON);
        new_settings.c_cc[VTIME] = 0;
        new_settings.c_cc[VMIN] = 1;

void process_keystroke_x()
        printf( "Caught x\n" );
        signal( SIGUSR1, process_keystroke_x );

int main( int argc, char *argv )
        int c;
        int child_process_id;

        signal( SIGUSR1, process_keystroke_x );
        child_process_id = fork();

        if ( child_process_id == 0 ) {  /* If child */
                while( 1 ) {
                        printf( "Waiting...\n" );
                        sleep( 5 );

        while( 1 ) { /* If parent */
                c = getchar();
                if ( c == 'x' ) kill( child_process_id, SIGUSR1 );

> >
> > Another possibility of intent is to prompt the user with a list
> > of choices,
> > assigning each choice a single letter to press, and have that choice be
> > recorded without having to press <enter>. If that's the case, then Ryan's
> > reference to the function "set_keypress()" will work. However,
> > the function
> > as posted has some bugs in it. Here is a complete program with the
> > function working.
> It's not just pressing enter....I actually implemented the set_keypress
> function successfully (not shown in the code obviuosly) but it is not what I
> want. It still stopped the program flow until I entered one character, at
> which point it continued through once and got hung up on the getchar()
> function again.
> I want it to run through the code continuosly, and then when I input a char,
> it interrupts the program and stores the value.
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