[vox-tech] Re: [ijtrotts@ucdavis.edu: [lugod lert] gentoo newbie questions]

Rick Moen vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Sun, 29 Sep 2002 15:06:29 -0700

Quoting Issac Trotts (ijtrotts@ucdavis.edu):

> Thanks to everyone for the feedback.  Now that I've got a pretty successful 
> installation of Progeny Debian working on my desktop I think I'll put it on 
> my laptop too.

Don't forget to add lines to /etc/apt/sources.list pointing to the main 
Debian mirrors.  I'm pretty sure Progeny stopped being maintained when
it hit v. 1.0.

Cheers,   If C gives you enough rope to hang yourself, then C++ give you enough
Rick Moen    to bind and gag your neighbourhood, rig the sails on a small ship,
rick@linuxmafia.com    and still have enough to hang yourself from the yardarm.