[vox-tech] boot problems

Rick Moen vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Fri, 27 Sep 2002 11:07:35 -0700

Quoting andy wergedal (awerg@yahoo.com):

> I have a problem booting my laptop. I put it into suspend
> mode last night. It did not suspend but just powered off.
> Now it hangs when it boots.
> Laptop: Dell Latitude D300XT
> OS: KRUD 7.3 (Redhat 7.3 with all the security updates)
> Here is the text displayed 
> starting PCMCIA: Yenta IRQ list 0618 PCI irq11
> socket status 30000010
> Yenta IRQ list 0618, PCI irq11
> socket status 30000006
> _
> I need to recover my home directory.

I think KRUD, being an RH-variant, has some key you can press during
startup to do interactive startup of services, saying yes or no 
to each one.  Since I gather from the above that the machine is hanging
when trying to start PCMCIA service, you can thus avoid starting just
that one service.

If that approach doesn't seem to work, start up into single-user mode
at your boot prompt, e.g., at a LILO prompt type "linux single".

In either case, you'll at least be able to get the system up, to do
further diagnosis or get a copy of your files.

Cheers,                            "I'd say it's latke-esque.  Sort of like 
Rick Moen                           Kafka-esque, only less depressing."      
rick@linuxmafia.com                                 -- Deirdre Saoirse Moen