[vox-tech] How to apply procmail filters to existing mailbox?

Peter Jay Salzman vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Thu, 26 Sep 2002 15:27:37 -0700


why this doesn't create an infinite loop when it processes an email that
doesn't match any rules in .procmailrc?

don't these emails go right back into /var/mail/graham?


begin GNU Linux <gnulinux@rosecomputing.com> 
> > > Can anyone tell me how to apply my existing .procmailrc to my existing
> > > /var/mail/graham inbox file?
> One way is to use the "-m" option for procmail.
> I tried it and it works. I suggest reading the man page first and
> backing up, making copies, etc before trying it.
> You would use it like:
> cat /var/mail/graham | procmail -m procmail_rc_file 
> Be careful of your directories and file names that are in the
> procmail_rc_file. You could get email placed where you don't want it.

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