[vox-tech] floppy woes
Chris McKenzie
Sat, 21 Sep 2002 14:05:36 -0700 (PDT)
First your should not be able to fdformat /dev/fd0. You *should* only be
able to fdformat raw devices. Try fdformat /dev/rfd0. Here is some more
With these I have always tried brute force methods.
tar -cf Backupdev.tar /dev
chmod 0777 /dev/*fd*
ls -l *fd* | less (confirm nothing points to a stationary disk like hd0)
if so:
find /dev -name "*dev*" -print -exec head -1 {} \;
That will show you what is readable as a real device
now take each one and try something like
dd if=/dev/zero of=(device) bs=512 count=2
to see if it will write
When you (if you get your device)
1. make sure the disk image is 2880*512 bytes, if not then
cp (diskimage) (diskimage).original
dd if=<disk image> bs=1 count=(calculate 2880*512-diskimage.filesize) >>
now dd=<disk image> of=<device>
go to your bios and turn on drive disk check (or something similar to that
wording) and see if the floppy light actually turns on upon boot up.
If so, then type in dmesg | less and see if you *NIX recognizes it as
If so, then using mknod(8) you can try and remake the devices. Many
*NIX's have a shell script in the /dev to do it automatically and often
times the bottom of the mknod man page refers to it. Good luck!
Christopher J. McKenzie
H: +1 818.9917724
C: +1 818.4293772
1815 Mesa Ridge Ave
Westlake Village, CA 91362