[vox-tech] Modem Questions...

Mark K. Kim vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Thu, 19 Sep 2002 20:50:00 -0700 (PDT)

> But the modems raise a couple of issues.
> First, is there such a thing as a modem splitter -- such that my wife
> and I can both be plugged in to the same phone line in a hotel room or
> something like that and be doing separate things?

What do you mean by "doing separate things"?  If you're doing separate
things on the Internet, one computer will need to go through the other
computer via "IP masquerading" (see the HOWTO.)  If both of you will never
be on at the same time, you just need a phone line splitter.

> Second, is there any such thing as a "modem emulator"?  Let me explain.
> The project involves logging in via a phone line to Citicorp's central
> servers.  The VPN software that's involved wants modem lines, and won't
> accept network lines... so my network at home is useless.  Is there some
> piece of software or hardware that I can hook up to our laptops to make
> the central servers *think* we're coming through a modem when we're
> really using a DSL connection?

Let's for a moment assume there is such a software.  I'm sure it's
certainly possible to write one.  But what about the server end?

If the server expects a regular phone line connection, there's no way for
you to contact that server over the Internet.  So the software you're
looking for, if it existed, wouldn't be much of a use.  Sorry :(

(Unless, of course, you had access to the server and could install such
software on the server side as well.  But I assume you don't have access
to the server -- otherwise you could just install a VPN software that
works over the Internet.)


Mark K. Kim
PGP key available upon request.