[vox-tech] aborted XP install kills linux

vox-tech@lists.lugod.org vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Tue, 03 Sep 2002 17:39:03 -0500

I recently lent my computer to a friend while I was 
out of town.  He decided that I really needed Windows 
XP on one of my unused partitions.  Thankfully, before 
he finished installing, he also decided that he 
probably shouldn't be installing something like XP on 
my computer without telling me.  From what I gather, 
he got to the part where the installer asked him what 
partition to install on before he stopped.  He 
reformatted one of my partitions FAT16 before quitting.

When I tried to boot, I got an error message that said 
something like, "error loading operating system".  I 
figured that XP had wiped out my bootloader, so I 
booted up on a rescue cd and reinstalled grub.  Now, I 
get to the grub menu and the kernel begins to boot 
only to panic shortly thereafter.  Here is the output:

Net4: Unix domain sockets 1.0/SMP for Linux NET4.0
ds: no socket drivers loaded
attempt to access beyond end of device
03:04: rw=0, want=2, limit=1
EXT3-fs: unable to read superblock
attempt to access beyond end of device
03:04: rw=0, want=2, limit=1
EXT2-fs: unable to read superblock
attempt to access beyond end of device
03:04: rw=0, want=2, limit=1
isofs_read_super: bread failed, dev=03:04, 
iso_blknum=16, block=32
Kernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 03:04

Also, my remaining linux partitions are being reported 
as ext2 and not ext3.  I know that they were ext3 

I'm not really sure what to do in order to be able to 
boot.  Any ideas?
