[vox-tech] Dia & Visio

Charles Polisher vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Tue, 29 Oct 2002 19:16:50 -0800

Ryan wrote:
> I should think visio can export to some sane format. I'll check at work 
> tomorrow

I seem to remember that Visio will export in Adobe Illustrator
format, which is actually PostScript under the hood. It
might be possible to walk Visio's internal data structures in 
Ivfhny Onfvp and home-brew your own exporter. Or in Perl,
maybe something like:

# -*- Perl -*-
# $Id: olevisio.pl,v 0.01 2002/02/25 21:00:00 Y.Fujiyama Exp $
#                  v 0.10 2002/03/30 12:00:00 Y.Fujiyama BugFix
#                  v 0.10 2002/04/05 12:00:00 Y.Fujiyama Bigin Block Test

package olevisio;
#use strict;
require 'util.pl';
require 'gfilter.pl';
use Win32::OLE;
use Win32::OLE::Enum;
use Win32::OLE::Const;

#    my $vsd;
#    eval {$vsd = Win32::OLE->GetActiveObject('Visio.Application')};
#    die "Visio not installed" if $@;
#    unless (defined $vsd) {
#        $vsd = Win32::OLE->new('Visio.Application', sub {$_[0]->Quit;})
#            or die "Oops, cannot start Visio";
#    }
#    #Visible VisioWindow
#    $Win32::OLE::Warn = 0;
#    $vsd->{Visible} = 0;    #After Visio2000 Use Only
#    $vsd->{AlertResponse} = 2;
#    #Dumy ioNewDocument
#    $vsd->Documents->Add("");

#    eval {$vsd = Win32::OLE->GetActiveObject('Visio.Application')};
#    die "Visio not installed" if $@;
#    unless (defined $vsd) {
#        $vsd = Win32::OLE->new('Visio.Application', sub {$_[0]->Quit;})
#            or die "Oops, cannot start Visio";
#    }
    if (defined $vsd) {
        undef $vsd;

sub mediatype() {
    return ('application/visio');

sub status() {
    open (SAVEERR,">&STDERR");
    open (STDERR,">nul");
    my $const;
    $const = Win32::OLE::Const->Load("Visio 2000 Type Library*");
#    $const = Win32::OLE::Const->Load("Visio 5.0 Type Library*") unless $const;
#    $const = Win32::OLE::Const->Load("Visio 4.1 Type Library*") unless $const;
    open (STDERR,">&SAVEERR");
    return 'yes' if (defined $const);
    return 'no';

sub recursive() {
    return 0;

sub pre_codeconv() {
    return 0;

sub post_codeconv () {
    return 1;

sub add_magic ($) {
    my ($magic) = @_;

    $magic->addFileExts('\\.vsd$', 'application/visio');

sub filter ($$$$$) {
    my ($orig_cfile, $cont, $weighted_str, $headings, $fields) = @_;

    my $cfile = defined $orig_cfile ? $$orig_cfile : '';

    util::vprint("Processing visio file ... (using  'Win32::OLE->new Visio.Application')\n");

    $cfile =~ s/\//\\/g;
    $$cont = "";
    ReadVSD::ReadVSD($cfile, $cont, $fields);
    $cfile = defined $orig_cfile ? $$orig_cfile : '';

#    gfilter::line_adjust_filter($weighted_str);
    $fields->{'title'} = gfilter::filename_to_title($cfile, $weighted_str)
        unless $fields->{'title'};
    gfilter::show_filter_debug_info($cont, $weighted_str, $fields, $headings);

    return undef;

sub enum ($$$) {
    my ($enum_objs, $func, $cont) = @_;

    die "No Objects or No Function" unless ($enum_objs and $func );

    my $e = Win32::OLE::Enum->new($enum_objs);
    while(($obj = $e->Next)) {
        return 0 if (!&$func($obj, $cont));
    return 1;

sub getProperties ($$) {
    my ($cfile, $fields) = @_;

    my $title = $cfile->Title;
    util::vprint("Title .. $title\n");
    $title = $cfile->Subject
        unless (defined $title);
    util::vprint("SubjectTitle .. $title\n");
    $fields->{'title'} = codeconv::shiftjis_to_eucjp($title)
        if (defined $title);

    my $author = $cfile->Creator;
    util::vprint("Creator .. $author\n");
    $author = $cfile->Application->{UserName}
        unless (defined $author);
    $fields->{'author'} = codeconv::shiftjis_to_eucjp($author)
        if (defined $author);

    return undef;

package ReadVSD;

sub ReadVSD ($$$) {
    my ($cfile, $cont, $fields) = @_;

    my $vsd;
    eval {$vsd = Win32::OLE->GetActiveObject('Visio.Application')};
    die "Visio not installed" if $@;
    unless (defined $vsd) {
        $vsd = Win32::OLE->new('Visio.Application', sub {$_[0]->Quit;})
            or die "Oops, cannot start Visio";

    #Visible VisioWindow

    $Win32::OLE::Warn = 0;
    $vsd->{Visible} = 0;    #After Visio2000 Use Only
    $vsd->{AlertResponse} = 2;

    # Redirect stderr to null device, to ignore Error and Exception message.
    open (SAVEERR,">&STDERR");
    open (STDERR,">nul");

    # Load Office 97/98/2000 Constant
    my $office_consts;
    $office_consts = Win32::OLE::Const->Load("Visio 2000 Type Library*");
#    $const = Win32::OLE::Const->Load("Visio 5.0 Type Library*") unless $const;
#    $const = Win32::OLE::Const->Load("Visio 4.1 Type Library*") unless $const;

    open (STDERR,">&SAVEERR");

    my $vdoc = $vsd->Documents->OpenEx({
        'FileName' => $cfile,
        'Flags'=> 11        #OpenEx Flags ( 1:OpenCopy + 2:ReadOnly + 8:DontList      + 16:OpenMinimized???  )
    die "Cannot open File $cfile" unless (defined $vdoc);

    olevisio::getProperties($vdoc, $fields);

    my $vpage = $vdoc->Pages;
    my $vpagcnt = $vpage->{Count};

    for ( my $vpageno = 1; $vpageno <= $vpagcnt; $vpageno++ ){
        my $pagename = $vpage->Item($vpageno)->{Name};
        util::vprint("Page .. $pagename\n");
        $$cont .= "$pagename\n" if (defined $pagename);
        my $vshapecnt = $vpage->Item($vpageno)->Shapes->{Count};
        for (my $vshapeno = 1; $vshapeno <= $vshapecnt; $vshapeno++ ){
            if ($vpage->Item($vpageno)->Shapes->Item($vshapeno)->{CharCount} > 0 ){
                my $shapetext = $vpage->Item($vpageno)->Shapes->Item($vshapeno)->Characters->{TextAsString};
                $$cont .= "$shapetext\n" if (defined $shapetext);
        undef $vshapeno;
    undef $vpageno;
    undef $vpagcnt;

    undef $vdoc;

#    When You Use BIGIN Block , Comment Out 3 Line.
    undef $vsd;

    return undef;

...but hey, that's just a guess ;^)

( npghnyyl gung pbzrf evtug bss gur jro ng

Also have a look at: http://public.logica.com/~redferni/emf/,
and http://www.lysator.liu.se/~alla/dia/links.html