[vox-tech] gnus not behaving

Issac Trotts vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Mon, 21 Oct 2002 21:48:57 -0700

> > The UC Davis server still shows nothing,
> > but I think I need to do something Davis-specific to get it working.
> If you're off campus, you need to authorize yourself via HTTP on 
> news.ucdavis.edu first. Beats me why they do it this way, but I have a 
> simple script. (Requires the lynx-ssl package on debian from non-us)
> #! /bin/tcsh
> # this next line is more elegant but debian's lynx-ssl has a bug that keeps -auth from working with -source
> #lynx -source -auth=username:password "https://secureweb.ucdavis.edu:443/cgi-auth/sendback?http://email.ucdavis.edu/news/news-succeed.html" > /dev/null
> echo qy| lynx "https://secureweb.ucdavis.edu:443/cgi-auth/sendback?http://email.ucdavis.edu/news/news-succeed.html" -force_secure -accept_all_cookies -auth="username:password" > /dev/null
> #    ^^q quits, and y answers yes to the confirmation message

All right, I guess that means I need to get set up with a Kerberos password, etc.
Just so I can check news...  Maybe I should set up my own mail server.
