[vox-tech] working around bad blocks?

Steven Peck vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Sun, 20 Oct 2002 21:06:17 -0700

Depends on the brand.

Western Digital has a utility to test their hard drives, it will try and
correct up to 10 errors by remapping blocks, etc.  If it fails it gives =
an error code which you tell the Western Digital technician on the phone =
you are requesting a warantee return.  Warentee returns take a week if =
don't cross ship.

Many hard drives have a 5 year warrantee now, so I would go to the =
website and see if they have a utility to test your drive.


-----Original Message-----
From: Ryan [mailto:ryan+lugod@cal.net]=20
Sent: Sunday, October 20, 2002 9:57 AM
To: vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Subject: [vox-tech] working around bad blocks?

Hash: SHA1

I have three 40 GB hard drives that I wish to use RIAD 5 on.

the first hard drives has 12 bad blocks on it (i also have the sector =

How the heck do I work around the bad blocks to set up RAID?

I could partition around it, but then one of my partitions would be =
then I want by about 10 GB.

anyone have any other ideas?