[vox-tech] Macro Key and Mouse recorder for Linux
Wed, 16 Oct 2002 19:42:14 -0700
On Wed, Oct 16, 2002 at 10:47:54AM -0700, Andy Wergedal wrote:
> I am doing some web-site testing for one of my clients. I am using a number of windows-based tools to do the automated part of my testing.
> Does anyone know of a keystroke and mouse macro recorder for Linux? Or a web site tester.
> I already dump the source code and compare against a known page. I need to automate the GUI portion in Linux
If you need to check the source code of all linked pages, you may want
to check out tools like wget. You can use it to copy an whole site, and
have it passed level of recursion/jumps from starting page or
use infinite recursion, specify the number of non-local sites to jump
(dissimilar hostnames to use when starting from blah.com). Each page is
downloaded and stored in a separate file and the local files are stored
in a heirarchy much like what you find on the remote site. It (of
course) does not copy server-side processing instructions and
directives, as it only sees what a web browsr would see.
Another tool is "checkbot" which requires some perl modules. It examines
all starting pages and can be passed args for how deeply it should
search your site and pages. You can tell it to start from your "main
page" and then recursively follow all links to pages and then links on
those pages and then links on those pages.... etc. Usually, you limit it
to check just your local pages *and* first links to other sites from
your site (just to make sure your links to other pages work). It is a
very cool tool. Unlike wget (which snarfs stuff as fast as it can)
checkbot is a littme bit more sane and does is slower so as to not
overwhelm your web server with too many requests too fast. Checkbot also
allows for a dump file to store "status" where it updates its link
checking status. From this page, you can also see pages that have broken
links and the links that it thinks are borken based on the error code
returned by the web server.
Are these what you are looking for? If not, I may have other ideas...
Version: 3.12
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decode: http://www.ebb.org/ungeek/ about: http://www.geekcode.com/geek.html
Campus IT(/OS Security): Operating Systems Support Specialist Assistant